ADCP data from moorings Khatanga, Anabar, CA05, and CA08
Published: 23 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/75rk5kbnn4.1
Igor DmitrenkoDescription
Data are ADCP observations at two year-long mooring arrays deployed in the southeastern Beaufort Sea in September 2005 (moorings CA05: 71º16.8’N, 232º 27.8’E and CA08: 71º 00.4’N, 233º 55.5’E) and in the southeastern Laptev Sea in September 2007 (moorings Anabar: 74°19.9’N, 128° 00.0’E and Khatanga: 74° 42.9’N, 125° 17.4’E). ADCP data files are in a binary instrumental format. They can be assets using WinADCP, a software package for use with RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers for the interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of ADCP data. WinADCP documentation can be find at:
University of Manitoba
Oceanographic Measurement