Supplement - Dupilumab improves pruritus and skin lesions in patients with prurigo nodularis: Pooled results from two phase 3 trials (LIBERTY-PN PRIME and PRIME2)

Published: 4 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/75xwz2849j.1
Gil Yosipovitch, Brian S. Kim, Shawn Kwatra, Nicholas K. Mollanazar, Takahiro Satoh, Sonja Staender, Pedro Mendes-Bastos, Tsen-Fang Tsai, Elizabeth Laws, Michael C. Nivens, Jennifer Maloney, Genming Shi, Ashish Bansal, Ariane Dubost-Brama


Supplement - Contents: Plain Language Summary Table SI. Comorbid conditions present in the medical history of 5% or more of the trial population Table SII. Medical history of psychiatric comorbidities in the trial population Table SIII. Use of concomitant prohibited medications/procedures and/or rescue medication Fig S1. Prurigo nodularis. LIBERTY-PN PRIME/PRIME2 Pooled – Study design Fig S2. Prurigo nodularis. LIBERTY-PN PRIME/PRIME2 Pooled – Patient disposition Fig S3. Prurigo nodularis. LIBERTY-PN PRIME/PRIME2 Pooled – Baseline demographic characteristic subgroup analyses of responders at week 24 Fig S4. Prurigo nodularis. LIBERTY-PN PRIME/PRIME2 Pooled – Proportion of patients achieving ≥4-point reduction in WI-NRS from baseline over time Fig S5. Prurigo nodularis. LIBERTY-PN PRIME/PRIME2 Pooled – Efficacy on patient-reported outcomes mean change from baseline to week 24



Skin Lesion, Pruritus


Sanofi (United States)

Regeneron (United States)
