Computer-based scenario assessment of communication skills

Published: 4 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/76h5grgpfk.1


The data supporting the findings of the study "Computer-based scenario assessment of communication skills at the end of primary school". The data provide the results of the computer-based assessment of communication skills in collaborative settings (CSCS). The assessment consists of three scenarios in two forms. The data consists of three Excel files: - File 1 (Study 1, CSCS results for both forms.xlsx) contains data from Study 1: 47 indicators of CSCS for two forms of the instrument (Form 1 and 2). - File 2 (Study 2, CSCS results.xlsx) contains data from Study 2: 47 indicators of CSCS and factor scores from the CFA bi-factor model. - File 3 (Study 2, regression variables.xlsx) contains data from Study 2: external variables (SES, gender, school marks activity planning questionnaire scores) and factor scores from the CFA bi-factor model (general factor only). Empty cells are considered as missing values. Codebooks are provided on the second sheet of each file.



Communication, Educational Assessment, Psychological Assessment, Community-Based Assessment, Elementary School
