Inhalable rutile nanoparticulates in atmospheric dust.

Published: 11 March 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/76z7psjj75.2
Ana Gallego


Analysis of road dust suggests that high rutile concentrations are deposited on the street and might be circulated in the air by vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Size distribution analysis from TEM images showed a heterogeneous sample composed mainly of nanoparticles with a size range from 40 nm to 60 nm.


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Analysis of road dust suggests that high rutile concentrations are deposited on the street and might be circulated in the air by vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Size distribution analysis from TEM images showed a heterogeneous sample composed mainly of nanoparticles with a size range from 40 nm to 60 nm.


Universidad de Sonora


Environmental Pollution
