Data for: Selection of Key Visual Cues in Real and Virtual Environments for Assembly Tasks

Published: 16 November 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/78899w4b82.3
Salvador Rojas-Murillo, Priyadarshini Pennathur


This data show assembly information by participant. Participants are coded in the following way “X” participants are participants in the real environment and “Y” participants are participants in the virtual environment. The data also shows the assembly time by assembly cycle by participant. In addition, the table includes the number of fixations (eye observations that last about 200 ms) per region of interest for each environment (we have a total of 5 regions of interest per environment), and the total sum of fixations per participant per cycle per environment. Similarly, the table shows the number of visits per region of interest, the number of visits is increased every time a participant focuses his sight on a region. The number of visits differs from the number of fixations as observers could perform multiple fixations in the same region during a single visit.



