Attention and Talker-Specificity in the Memory Encoding of Spoken Sentences
Data and analysis code for the manuscript "Attention and Talker-Specificity in the Memory Encoding of Spoken Sentences" (William Clapp & Meghan Sumner, 2024). Data were collected over three experiments with divided and full attention conditions, where Exp. 1 was a recognition memory experiment with spoken sentences heard at study and test, Exp. 2 was a cross-modal recognition memory experiment with spoken sentences at study and text at test, and Exp. 3 was a cross-modal recognition memory experiment with spoken sentences at study and images at test. Code used to run experiments is available separately on GitHub (
Steps to reproduce
To simply view the analysis output, just open up the html file. To reproduce the analysis, download all files into the same directory. Analysis code is in the r markdown file. Necessary libraries are shown in the setup chunk. After installing those, go to line 53 and change the path to reflect the local position of the downloaded directory. From that point, the code should be ready to run. Further explanation of the datasets is available in the markdown file.