Data for: Formulation for second-order inelastic analysis of steel frames including shear deformation effect
Description of the files: -portal-b.txt: input data for the analysis of Vogel's portal without considering shear deformation effect (Bernoulli's Theory). output data of the analysis of Vogel's portal without considering shear deformation effect (Bernoulli's Theory). -portal-t.txt: input data for the analysis of Vogel's portal considering shear deformation effect (Timoshenko's Theory). output data of the analysis of Vogel's portal considering shear deformation effect (Timoshenko's Theory). -six-b.txt: input data for the analysis of the two-bay six-storey frame without considering shear deformation effect (Bernoulli's Theory). output data of the analysis of Vogel's portal without considering shear deformation effect (Bernoulli's Theory). -six-t.txt: input data for the analysis of Vogel's portal considering shear deformation effect (Timoshenko's Theory). output data of the analysis of Vogel's portal considering shear deformation effect (Timoshenko's Theory).