The Employee Engagement On The Organizational Change Study On Manufacturing Industry In Indonesia

Published: 8 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/78rpvt7k4n.1
Rusdin Tahir


The human capital today has many challenges related to employee engagement and organizational change. The best technique to attract, keep, and motivate people is the most effective business strategy since it is more difficult for rivals to imitate than financial management, marketing management, operations management, or production management. In our essay, uncover the influences employee engagement to organizational change. It is believed that the organizational change will suffer if this symptom is not addressed. We gathered 429 perspectives of the top managers of Indonesian manufacturing enterprises and used structural equation modeling to examine them (SEM). Our research results show that employee engagement are the determinant on organizational change. Our research contribution is not only as empirical evidence of the topic under study but also as information for stakeholders and company management in inventorying alternatives to improve organizational change by studying determining factors. Our findings show that improving the organizational change of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia is determined by employee engagement variables.



Universitas Padjadjaran


Research Article
