Evaluating Mental Health Impacts on At-Risk Communities in Disaster-Prone Areas in Bangladesh Using a Synthetic Dataset

Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/78v9wwg6dp.1
Dipro Nur-A-Marzan, Fatima Zohra Aneen, Firoz Mridha


Given the rising rate of natural catastrophes in Bangladesh, it is vital to comprehend their influence on one's mental health. This research provides a thorough examination of community sensations in places that are prone to disasters. A comprehensive dataset of 8,000 replies has been created by synthesizing the survey-based responses of 2,000 individuals. The purpose of the research is to provide information about mental health issues caused by environmental disasters. These findings emphasize the complex connection between economic instability and psychological well-being. This research signifies a remarkable advancement in comprehending and tackling mental health concerns in susceptible areas in Bangladesh.



Data Analysis, Text Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Applied Machine Learning
