Multivariate Hyperspectral Data Analytics Across Length Scales to Probe Compositional, Phase, and Strain Heterogeneities in Electrode Materials

Published: 18 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/797f2kfgbp.1
David Santos


This dataset accompanies the peer-reviewed manuscript entitled "Multivariate Hyperspectral Data Analytics Across Length Scales to Probe Compositional, Phase, and Strain Heterogeneities in Electrode Materials" by Santos et al. This repository includes: -Hyperspectral imaging datasets collected for V2O5 nanoparticles -Reference X-ray absorption data for several LixV2O5 compositions -Source code for workflows which generate composition and stress maps from hyperspectral imaging datasets


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the experimental section of the original manuscript.


Data Analysis
