A list of publications applying authigenic 10Be/9Be dating method
This dataset aims to provide an exhaustive list of publications that have applied authigenic 10Be/9Be dating in geoscience. Some authors refer to this method as dating using meteoric 10Be. As the method is still in development and the number of applications is relatively low (several dozen), this list is of great benefit to all users. The applications include determining the age of deep marine ferromanganese nodules (the oldest application, in 1982), soils, open marine sediments, lacustrine, glacial, deltaic, and alluvial successions. The list contains full references to publications and information about the type of dated material. Despite the efforts made, the list may possibly miss some overlooked publications. On the other hand, new applications are still being published, and hence, the dataset will be regularly updated.
Steps to reproduce
The list of publications could be reproduced by accessing scientific databases.
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