Mapping Heat Vulnerability Index Considering Different Urbanization Levels In Nebraska, USA
This is datasets supporting an article with the same name submitted to journal Geohealth. It contains processed initial datasets of the research, that is calculating and mapping Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) for state of Nebraska, USA, in Census Tract scale. We hypothesized that the construct of HVI is different for different urbanization levels of residence. We, therefore grouped the total 532 census tracts of Nebraska into four urbanization level groups and performed Factor Analyses for each of them. Description of data files: The first three files contain all input datasets that are required to do all the analysis, and mapping. (GEOID is the unique identifier that can be used to connect different tables) 01_Tabulated_NE_Tract_NLCD_2016.csv : Contains number of 30mx30m squares of land cover types in each census tracts of Nebraska. GEOID is the key to connect these data to others. 02_all_tracts_with_RUCA : The ratios of vulnerable population in each census tract, calculated from ACS 2016 5-year estimate 03_NE_Census_Tracts_2016: Shapefile to create the maps 04_all_tracts_vulnerabilities: all 532 tracts of Nebraska are included with their ratios of vulnerable populations, also the ratio of each four developed land areas to total land areas. All other files are related to the outputs of the Factor Analyses for each of the urbanized levels considered in the study, and their related Figure number is the last part of each dataset's name.