Gjuha standarde dhe mediat (The standard language and media)
The obligation of a progressive society is that they preserve, develop and use their language correctly. This phenomenon, both for its respect and for non-respect of standard Albanian, has begun to have its identifying scope, in all spheres of social life. In various public and private institutions, this issue deserves increased care, because through their use and communication with the public, the language is preserved or developed, but there are also cases where they are abusing it. The use of reasonable and unreasonable, but also nonsensical words and sentences, both phonetically, morphologically and syntactically, can be seen to a high degree by different users. These studies will present some examples and phonetic and morphological analysis, but also the linguistic role of the words and sentences used, as wrong by different users, who through that linguistic abuse can create consequences to be repaired or users of certain will hardly do this to recode the language. The objective of the study is aligned in several dimensions, which will complicate the work and as such are the stages of the history of the standard language, different linguistic phenomena, social networks, the official pages of our educational institutions, and then also the use of words foreign ones instead of Albanian ones and through them also the misuse of language and sentence structure.
Steps to reproduce
The obligation of a progressive society is that they preserve, develop and use their language correctly. This phenomenon, both for its respect and for non-respect of standard Albanian, has begun to have its identifying scope, in all spheres of social life. In various public and private institutions, this issue deserves increased care, because through their use and communication with the public, the language is preserved or developed, but there are also cases where they are abusing it. The use of reasonable and unreasonable, but also nonsensical words and sentences, both phonetically, morphologically and syntactically, can be seen to a high degree by different users. These studies will present some examples and phonetic and morphological analysis, but also the linguistic role of the words and sentences used, as wrong by different users, who through that linguistic abuse can create consequences to be repaired or users of certain will hardly do this to recode the language. The objective of the study is aligned in several dimensions, which will complicate the work and as such are the stages of the history of the standard language, different linguistic phenomena, social networks, the official pages of our educational institutions, and then also the use of words foreign ones instead of Albanian ones and through them also the misuse of language and sentence structure.