Dataset for Chicken Quality Evaluation

Published: 3 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7bbph66tn9.1


It contains high-quality images of Chicken at 22 different timestamps:- 09.30 AM, 09.50 AM, 10.20 AM, 10.40 AM, 11.10 AM, 11.30 AM, 11.50 AM, 12.10 PM, 12.30 PM, 06.20 PM, 06.50 PM, 07.10 PM, 08.30 PM, 08.50 PM, 09.20 PM, 09.40 PM, 10.00 PM, 10.30 PM, 10.55 PM, 11.20 PM, 11.40 PM, and 12.05 AM timestamps. The authors want to thank Sri Snehasis Guha, PIC of Malda Polytechnic, 5th-semester students of the department of Food Processing Technology, Malda polytechnic, Government of West Bengal, India, for their support.



Food Quality, Chicken, Image Classification, Deep Learning, Food Application of Computer Vision
