Visualization dataset for the structure of a protein-DNA complex of the human ALkB-like dioxygenase ALKBH3
Published: 6 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7bfsjtkgtb.1
, , , , Description
This dataset includes a structural visualization of the catalytic complex of ALKBH3 protein with the Fe(II) cofactor, 2OG co-substrate, and methylated single-stranded DNA based on PDB file 2IUW. Three files have been uploaded for user convenience:, AlkBH3_3meC-DNA.cxs, and AlkBH3_3meC-DNA.pdb. Files "" and "AlkBH3_3meC-DNA.cxs" represent sessions for UCSF Chimera 1.16 and Chimera X, respectively. Labeling of the complex components: Protein – rosy brown; DNA – light grey; Key active site residues – dark cyan; Damaged base (N3-methylcytosine) – medium purple.
Computer Modeling, Protein 3D Structure Database, Protein Structure