Data for: EEG-responses to mood induction interact with seasonality

Published: 23 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7bzjts53xv.1
Yvonne Höller


Seasonality is operationalized as seasonal variation in mood, appetite, weight, sleep, energy, and socializing. The EEG is suggested as a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for seasonal affective disorder. Importantly, both EEG biomarkers and seasonality interact with age. Inducing sad mood to assess cognitive vulnerability was suggested to improve the predictive value of summer assessments for winter depression. However, no EEG studies have been conducted on induced sad mood in relation to seasonality, and no studies so far have controlled for age. We recorded EEG and calculated bandpower in 114 participants during rest and during induced {sad} mood in summer. Participants were grouped based on the seasonal pattern assessment questionnaire (SPAQ) and age. The data is in long-format with the following variables #X1: EEG data #X2: left/right hemisphere #X3: brain region #X4: frequency range #X5: condition #X6: gender #X7.: age, #X8 - X21 data from psychological scales GSS MEQ, BIS, PHQ, LOT, COHS, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, HINT, PBRSR, PSS, RSS, handedness #X22: id


Steps to reproduce

R code for ANOVA: library(MANOVA.RM) datalong$group<-'low' datalong$group[datalong$V8>10]<-'high'; datalong$agegroup<-0 datalong$agegroup[datalong$V7>50]<-1


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