Raw polyphenolic data for five blueberry products during storage
Published: 3 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7cjzgj2j7h.1
Luke HowardDescription
Raw anthocyanins, flavonols, chlorogenic acid and percent polymeric color data of ice pop, oatmeal bars, juice, gummies and graham cracker cookie made with freeze-dried wild blueberries over eight weeks of storage at 21C and 4.4C. Total anthocyanins decreased over storage and storage temperatures in all products. However, the ice pop and the refrigerated juice both retained 90% of their initial total anthocyanin content. The refrigerated oatmeal bar also showed good retention of anthocyanins (86%), but the gummy product retained only 43% and 51% when stored at 4.4 °C or 21 °C, respectively. Chlorogenic acid and flavonols were generally more stable than anthocyanins throughout storage.
University of Arkansas Fayetteville
Food Science