Metabolomic and Fluxomic data for: Control of redox potential in a novel continuous bioelectrochemical system led to remarkable metabolic and energetic responses of Clostridium pasteurianum grown on glycerol
This data repository contains data and information in relation with the following scientific research paper: Arbter P, Widderich N, Utesch T, Hong Y, Zeng AP. Control of redox potential in a novel continuous bioelectrochemical system led to remarkable metabolic and energetic responses of Clostridium pasteurianum grown on glycerol. Microbial Cell Factories (submitted). The repository consists of three folders: the first folder contains the metabolomic data (displayed in Figure 3 of the paper). The second folder contains the results of the metabolic flux analysis (MFA, Figure 2) and the metabolic model. The metabolic model is given as the stoichiometric matrix, in .sbml format exported from CellNetAnalyzer, and also the model folder for import and use with the software. The MFA folder does also contain a short description of the model with explanations and additional references from literature. The third folder contains all files related to the symbolic metabolic control analysis (symMCA) and regulation analysis (RA, Figure 6). The exact method for generation of the metabolomic data (sampling, extractions, and LC-MS/MS quantification) is described in detail in a previous paper: Arbter P, Widderich N, Utesch T, Hong Y, Zeng AP. Metabolomic and kinetic investigations on the electricity-aided production of butanol by Clostridium pasteurianum strains. Eng Life Sci. 2021; 21: 181– 195.
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The data were gained by a novel electrochemically controlled continuous fermentation, as described in the following publication: Arbter P, Widderich N, Utesch T, Hong Y, Zeng AP. Control of redox potential in a novel continuous bioelectrochemical system led to remarkable metabolic and energetic responses of Clostridium pasteurianum grown on glycerol. Microbial Cell Factories (submitted). The procedure for generation of the metabolomic data is described in detail in the following work: Arbter P, Widderich N, Utesch T, Hong Y, Zeng AP. Metabolomic and kinetic investigations on the electricity-aided production of butanol by Clostridium pasteurianum strains. Eng Life Sci. 2021; 21: 181– 195.