Indonesian Islamist Mobilizations (1998-2018)
The dataset contains information on contentious public repertoires of three Islamist organizations: the Islamic Defenders' Front (FPI), the Indonesian Party of Liberation (HTI), and the Indonesian Mujahedeen Council (MMI). The dataset records basic information of the three organizations' public repertoires (e.g., years, months, targets, issues, types of performance, outcomes of public repertoires, state reaction, coalition partners, place of an event, details of an event). The dataset rests on information from three major newspapers in Indonesia: Kompas, Republika, and Jakarta Post. A total of 1095 cases of public repertoires are documented for the 1998-2018 period.
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The dataset was built by extracting the three organizations’ public repertoires documented in Indonesian newspapers. Public repertoires are defined as shared strategies and tactics of the participants of contentious interactions between, at the minimum, two actors: a claimant and object of claims (Tilly, 2008). Furthermore, the three organizations’ public repertoires are measured by four variables: target, issue, type of public performance, and mobilization power. Target refers to the object of a claim by the Islamist groups. Issue refers to an agenda that Islamist groups promote. Type of public performance refers to Islamist groups’ public strategies to engage with their targets. Mobilization power means the capacity of Islamist groups to organize public performances across Indonesian provinces. The dataset covers the 1998-2018 period, collected from three Indonesian national newspapers: Jakarta Post, Kompas, and Republika. Jakarta Post and Kompas pose a pro-pluralist editorial leaning, while Republika is famous for its Islamic leaning. From the three newspapers, news and reports related to FPI, HTI, and MMI were gathered, using keywords such as “Front Pembela Islam”, “Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia”, and “Majelis Mujahiddin Indonesia.” Factiva Database provided news on the three organizations from Jakarta Post, while news from Kompas was gathered through the newspaper’s online database. News from Republika was collected by accessing its offline database. I cross tab "Actors" with "Targets", "Types of Performance", and "Places" to generate the figure and tables in my paper.