#NoesAbusoEsViolación #NoEsNo #YoSíTeCreo #JusticiaPatriarcal 2018.04.25 - 2018.04.28
Dataset that collects tweets between April 25th and April 28th in 2018 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools On February 14th in 2018, after the sentence for abuse in a case of gang rape against a girl on San Fermines in 2016, a wave of indignation was generated by a sentence so little forceful in a case that had horrified by its harshness and the story with which the authors of the crime had left their act captured in videos, text messages and photographs. Protests in Spain as five men cleared of teenager's gang rape https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/26/protests-spain-five-men-cleared-of-teenagers-gang-rape-pamplona Thousands protest in Spain after 5 men known as the 'Wolf Pack' escape gang rape convictions https://ti.me/2vMXh6o "No es abuso, es violación": protestas masivas contra la sentencia de 'La Manada' http://cadenaser.com/ser/2018/04/26/sociedad/1524764295_456663.html 'No es abuso, es violación': las protestas en la calle por la sentencia de 'La Manada' http://www.publico.es/sociedad/manada-no-abuso-violacion-protestas-calle-sentencia-manada.html Hashtags: #NoesAbusoEsViolación #NoEsNo #YoSíTeCreo #JusticiaPatriarcal Dates: 2018.04.25-2018.04.28 Number of Tweets: 786,724 Size (Hydrated): 4.81 gigabytes
Steps to reproduce
Download & Install Twarc: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#install Download and archiving: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#usage twarc search '#NoesAbusoEsViolación OR #NoEsNo OR #YoSíTeCreo OR #JusticiaPatriarcal OR #LaManadaSomosNosotras since:2018-04-25 until:2018-04-28' > search-NoesAbusoEsViolación-20180425_20180428.jsonl And Hydrate the dataset: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#hydrate twarc hydrate search-NoesAbusoEsViolación-20180425_20180428-ids.txt > search-NoesAbusoEsViolación-20180425_20180428.jsonl