Tree ring-width data for Pinus Kesiya in Zambia

Published: 16 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7f8s72j4fs.1
Phillimon Ng'andwe,


Data collected included: GPS location, diameter at breast height (dbh), total height, and site conditions. We collected core length, thickness, and weight before and after drying. Tree ring-with and site chronology data were collected using the Lintab 6 equipment. Data processing to generate ring-width data was performed using the TSAPwin, COFECHA, dplR, and ARSTAN software. Volumetric core shrinkage and density data were derived from core dimensions and the core weight before and after drying


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Data was collected from sites near mines (10km) and remote (30km away) . Tree diameter at breast height (1.3m) was collected using the Swedish Mantax blue caliper, and a Haglöf 12 mm increment borer. Two increment core samples, opposite each other, were extracted at breast height (1.3m). We employed the dendrochronology techniques during sample collection, preparation, cross-dating, standardization, auto-regression, and generating ring width chronology data for each site. Tee-ring width data were collected using a LINTAB 6 moving stage table with a precision of 0.001mm, connected to the computer, and a Leica Microscope - M50. CH-9435. Tree ring-width data was captured and analyzed using a Time Series Analysis Program for Windows (TSAPWin software version 4.81a) . We next used COFECHA software cross-dating quality control and the dendrochronology program library (dplR) to generate the site chronologies and descriptive statistics. Data was saved in Tucson format (*.rwl) and comma separated format (csv). Data presented can be read using the "read function" in the dplR package shown below: read.tucson(fname, header = NULL, long = FALSE, encoding = getOption("encoding"), edge.zeros = TRUE) This function reads in a Tucson (decadal) format file of ring widths (.rwl). For example to read one of the data files presented here, the R code shown below was used: library(dplR) # load the package needed library(utils) # cpke.rwl <- read.tucson('cpke.rwl') # read data file for P.kesiya at Chat site ipke.rwl <- read.tucson('ipke.rwl') # read data file for P. kesiya at Ichimpe ste combine.rwl<- combine.rwl(list(cpke.rwl, ipke.rwl)) # this code combines the two files A complete script is available in the supplementary material associated with the article.


Copperbelt University


Tree Growth
