An experimental approach in analyzing the cell cycle dynamics of food-entrapping cells of sponges: Halisarca

Published: 6 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7fbv46wsnv.2
Nikolay Melnikov, Andrey Lavrov


Data stored here support the conclusions presented in the publication "An experimental approach in analyzing the cell cycle dynamics of food-entrapping cells of sponges". Halisarca dujardinii (class Demospongiae) possesses two types of proliferating cells with food-entrapping cells - choanocytes - serving as the main proliferative population of cells. The second (and less proliferative) cell population is represented by amoeboid mesohyl cells commonly called archaeocytes. Using various experimental techniques, we revealed that choanoderm of H. dujardinii harbours large population of clowly cycling choanocytes. CLSM Z-stacks are stored in .ims format, represented by the original image as well as spots used to count nuclei/EdU-positive nuclei. Folder "EdU accumulation" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges treated with EdU for 2 h and 6 h ("Cell cycle dynamics" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei). Folder "Growth fraction" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges treated with 1 mkg/ml of aphidicolin for 4.5 days followed by 12 h of EdU incubation ("Estimating the growth fraction" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei). Folder "G2-M analysis (colocalization study)" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges after EdU treatment of different length ("G2/M-phase analysis" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei); anti-Ser10-phosphorylated histone 3 antibodies (channel 4; M-phase nuclei). Folder "Proliferating cell types" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges after CellTracker incubation and 12 hours of EdU treatment ("Identifying proliferating cell types" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei); CellTracker Deep Red (channel 4; cytoplasm). Folder "Flow cytometry data" contains raw .csv data obtained during flow cytometry analysis of DNA content in single-cell suspensions after ACME dissocitation of intact tissues. Suspensions are stained by Propidium Iodide (PE-A channel).



Zoology, Cell Biology, Confocal Microscopy, Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Flow Cytometry


Russian Science Foundation

