Table Appendix A : Estimation of Solar Resource Based on Meteorological and Geographical Data: Sonora State in North-Western Territory of Mexico as Case of Study

Published: 29 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7ffyvzn4c7.1
Enrique Alejandro Enríquez Velásquez


This table provides the data for values of solar radiation for two sources of data (the NASA SSE database and a model utilized in the paper : Estimation of Solar Resource Based on Meteorological and Geographical Data: Sonora State in North-Western Territory of Mexico as Case of Study), together with (maximum, minimum and mean) temperatures, transparency index, surface albedo, and coordinates for each municipality in the state of Sonora. This table is the Appendix A in the paper. The table is complete and not separated in sections as in the paper for space purposes.



Solar Energy, Solar Radiation, Solar Resource Assessment
