Eimeria tenella 21 day old sporozoites - coding transcriptome
Published: 5 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7fjtft7dzn.1
Perryn Kruth, Description
Supporting data for Kruth et al., 2024. Development of a molecular assay for the determination of Eimeria tenella oocyst viability. Parasitology Research, Accepted 29 November 2024 (DOI: 10.1007/s00436-024-08429-1) HI.5207.007.NEBNext_dual_i7_G12---NEBNext_dual_i5_G12.1H1A_R1.rar (compressed FASTQ) --> Sporozoites from oocysts stored for 21 days at room temperature (21 C); heat stimulated (to 41 C) for 90 minutes prior to RNA extraction HI.5207.007.NEBNext_dual_i7_H12---NEBNext_dual_i5_H12.1R4A_R1.rar (compressed FASTQ) --> Sporozoites from oocysts stored for 21 days at room temperature (21 C); held at steady state prior to RNA extraction
University of Guelph
RNA Sequencing, Transcriptomics, Eimeria tenella, Cell Viability, Molecular Parasitology