Geomagnetic and aeromagnetic profiles data

Published: 21 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7fs9knrkrf.1
Quentin Marc ANABA FOTZE


The first dataset comprises raw data obtained through the grid sampling of global geomagnetic models and aeromagnetic data. Those data are available in the data repository with the file name “aeromagnetic and geomagnetic profiles data”. This file is an excel file comprising 4 sheets named according to the respective studied profiles. Each sheet consists of a table of 13 columns and variable rows. The first two columns represent the UTM (Universal Transvere Mercator) coordinates (Longitude and Latitude). The third column represents the TMI (Total Magnetic Intensity) of aeromagnetic profile data. The following 7 columns represent the respective values of the upward continuation heights applied to the TMI. The last three columns represent the global geomagnetic model profile values. Another table is also attached in the data repository with the file name “profiles correlation coefficient”, an excel file consisting of 4 sheets representing each studied profile.



Geophysics, Magnetism, Analysis of Large Data Set, Database
