Estimated parameters of modelled heat and electric load profiles of non-residential buildings

Published: 4 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7g9jk4jvz6.1
Karen Byskov Lindberg,


This data is an online resource for the article "K. B. Lindberg, S. J. Bakker and I. Sartori. Modelling electric and heat load profiles of non‐residential buildings for use in long-term aggregate load forecasts. Utilities Policy, 2019" . The table presents the estimated values of the model parameters, including the p-value and overall R-squared of the 18 regression models. When applying the data together with the explanatory variables (outdoor temperature and 24-hour-moving average of the outdoor temperature), load profiles for each of the 18 building categories (7 regular and 2 efficient, both heat and electric specific load profiles) can be predicted. The heat load profiles reflect the heat demand of the building, that is the sum of space heating demand and domestic hot water demand. The consumption of electricity (if using a heat pump) or natural gas (if using a gas boiler) is found by dividing the heat load by the efficiency of the heat technology. The electric load profiles reflect the electric specific demand of the building, that is demand that cannot be met by any other energy carrier than electricity. For example electricity used for lighting, electric appliances, washing machines, dishwashers, fans and pumps.



SINTEF Byggforsk, Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi matematik og elektroteknikk


Electric Power, Linear Regression, Energy Use in Building, Energy Consumption, Consumer Energy Use
