Protein from whole-body crayfish homogenate including exoskeleton may be a high supplier of leucine or branched-chain amino acids – A call for validation on genus Procambarus sp.
Includes certified/ accredited (A) analysis reports of proximate composition and amino acids from accredited third-party laboratories (AGROLA spol. sro and LABORATOŘ POSTOLOPRTY s.r.o., Czech Republic). Non-accredited analysis (NeA) and variability of measurements are given in the report. Report includes whole-body homogenate (including chitinous and calcareous exoskeleton) analysis of two procambarid crayfish - Procambarus virginalis (marbled crayfish; primary species of investigation) and Procambarus clarkii (red swamp crayfish; secondary species of investigation). Abbreviations used: LEU= Leucine, ILE= Isoleucine, VAL= Valine, BCAA= Branched-chain amino acid
Steps to reproduce
Depending on the size of the individuals, chopped the larger ones in a grinder (similar to this: BOSCH MMR15A1), further smashed in the bowl with a pastle-mortar and/or ultra-turrax (smaller individuals were smashed directly). It went for the analyses then, i.e. analyzed in the original matrice.
Czech Science Foundation