The phase-contrast and tdTomato fluorescent microscopic images of Myxococcus xanthus. The training and test sets for the paper: Zhang, J., Comstock, J. A., Cotter, C. R., Murphy, P. A., Nie, W., Welch, R. D., Igoshin, O.A. (2021). Quantification ofMyxococcus xanthus Aggregation and Rippling Behaviors: Deep-learning Transformation of Phase-contrast into Fluorescence Microscopy Images. BioRxiv, 2021.07.16.452736 To save the storage space, all datasets are images selected with a 10-min time interval. 5*10^9 cells/mL: training set: rd0,rd1,rd2,rd3,rd4,rd5,rd6 test set: rdt0 cv set: rdcv0 2.5*10^9 cells/mL: training set: ld0,ld1,ld2 test set: ldt0 1*10^10 cells/mL: test set: hdt0,hdt1 rippling: training set: r0, r1 test set: rt0
Steps to reproduce
See methods in paper: Zhang, J., Comstock, J. A., Cotter, C. R., Murphy, P. A., Nie, W., Welch, R. D., Igoshin, O.A. (2021). Quantification of Myxococcus xanthus Aggregation and Rippling Behaviors: Deep-learning Transformation of Phase-contrast into Fluorescence Microscopy Images. BioRxiv, 2021.07.16.452736