Schumpeterian Intermediate Saving Technological Change: Theory and Evidence from Industrial Input-Output Data
Published: 16 September 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7gmxsvvtm6.2
Meng ShenDescription
The data in the file "data.dta" and the code is provided in "". This file produces all the tables and results presented in the final version of the paper. We provide the code in STATA as we anticipate the largest number of users being familiar with this software. The file "NumericalSimulation.R" is used for a numerical simulation in section 6, fig.1. Of course any comments/ questions are more than welcome and please send them to and
Steps to reproduce
The data can be download from WIOD data set, 2016 release. It is open access. We combine the SEA table and the WIOT table. Feel free to contact us for problem to reproduce our data.
Capital University of Economics and Business
Economic Growth