Attitudes towards plagiarism in academia - questionnaire data

Published: 26 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7h2jfpvspj.1
Mariya Chankova, Irena Vassileva


The dataset comprises the results of a questionnaire study probing into the attitudes towards plagiarism in academia as it details the results of a questionnaire study within the larger framework of a joint Bulgarian-German research project on plagiarism in academia. The questionnaire focused on investigating the scope of the notion of plagiarism as Bulgarian academics understand it and second, looking into the availability of a system of support to prevent transgressors and/or sanctions for transgressing academics across Bulgarian universities. The results of the questionnaire suggest that while there appears to be a consensus among Bulgarian academics about the different facets that make up the notion of plagiarism, the reported attitudes towards plagiarism practices vary greatly, reflecting a non-uniform perception of what constitutes an offense. It also shows a deep dissatisfaction with existing anti-plagiarism regulatory systems in Bulgarian scientific institutions. The results are to appear in English Studies at NBU, for which a link will be provided in due time.



Applied Linguistics, Plagiarism
