Data for: Dating the Xiaobaishitou skarn W–(Mo) deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China: constraints from zircon U–Pb, muscovite 40Ar–39Ar, and molybdenite Re–Os system
Published: 27 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7h95jbbyb5.1
Fuquan Yang, Ning Li, Chao Li, Zhixin ZhangDescription
Table 1. LA−ICP−MS U−Pb analyses of zircons from the Xiaobaishitou biotite granite. Table 2. LA−ICP−MS trace element analyses (ppm) of zircons from the Xiaobaishitou biotite granite. Table 3. 40Ar–391251 Ar data for muscovite from the Xiaobaishitou W–(Mo) deposit. Table 4. Re and Os isotopic data for molybdenite from the Xiaobaishitou W–(Mo) deposit. Table 5. Geological characteristics of the Trassic deposits in the CAOB.