Numerical evaluation of CD-type discretizations of sea-ice dynamics

Published: 28 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7h9hkjvx48.1


This dataset contains the numerical data used in the publication "Simulating sea-ice deformation in viscous-plastic sea-ice models with CD-grids". In addition to the raw data, the linear kinematic feature detection algorithm is deposited. Linear Kinematic Features (LKFs) are an essential parameter for the comparison of the different methods. The "analysis" folder contains the Python script for LKF detection. The remaining folders contain the simulations of the different model discretizations. The runs performed with MPAS-Seaice on quadrilateral meshes are stored in the following folders, with the corresponding discretization in parentheses: - "MPAS-CD" ( runs with the CD2 discretization) - "MPAS-DoF" ( runs with B-grid on meshes that have the same velocity degree of freedom as the MPAS CD2 discretization on meshes with a side length of 2 km, 4 km and 8 km) - "MPAS-B" ( runs with B-grid discretization) The runs performed with MPAS-Seaice on hexagonal meshes are stored in the following folders, with the corresponding discretization in parentheses: -"hexMPAS-B" ( runs with B-grid) -"hexMPAS-CD" ( runs with CD2 discretization) -"hexMPAS-DoF" ( runs with B-grid on meshes that have the same velocity degree of freedom as the MPAS CD2 discretization on meshes with a resolution of 2 km, 4 km and 8 km) The runs performed with FESOM on triangular meshes are stored in the following folder, with the corresponding discretization in parentheses: - "FESOM" ( runs with CD2 discretization)


Steps to reproduce

The version of MPAS-Seaice used for the results is provided at . The sea-ice component of FESOM used for simulations reported here is available at .


Los Alamos National Laboratory, Otto von Guericke Universitat Magdeburg, Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum fur Polar- und Meeresforschung


Sea Ice Dynamics
