The contribution of education to strategic academic leadership and high-tech economic growth

Published: 22 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7hngdknfjr.1


The dataset is a table of data from materials of WIPO "Global Innovation Index 2022, 15th Edition. What is the future of innovation driven growth?" (GII 2022 Economy profiles). The statistics are merged into a common data set, from which countries with large gaps in statistics are removed. As a result, 123 countries were included in the dataset. The dataset contains statistics on the following five indicators: 1) High-tech manufacturing, % (score 0-100); 2) QS university ranking, top 3 (score 0-100); 3) Tertiary enrolment, % gross (score 0-100); 4) Graduates in science and engineering, % (score 0-100); 5) Tertiary inbound mobility, % (score 0-100); 6) Knowledge creation (score 0-100).


Steps to reproduce

The dataset was formed by collecting statistics and systematizing them from WIPO materials. The dataset allows for a factor analysis of strategic academic leadership and high-tech economic growth. In particular, the dataset makes it possible to determine the contribution of higher education and the creation of knowledge by universities in achieving these results. For this, all the necessary preparations have been made. A single data array is available for automated computer processing and analytics.


Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj institut mezdunarodnyh otnosenij MID Rossii


Education, Knowledge, Academic Mobility, Technology, High School, Economic Growth of Open Economy
