Data of mRNA and protein abundances of androgen receptor splice variants in castration-resistant prostate cancer
R scripts (.R files) and raw data of splicing junction (SJ) reads from 34 CRPC adenocarcinoma samples in the Beltran cohort, 81 CRPC samples in the Prostate Cancer Medically Optimized Genome-Enhanced Therapy (PROMOTE) cohort, and 181 CRPC samples in the Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) cohort are indicated by individual file names. "Figure 3_quantitation.xlsx" is the RT-qPCR raw data of the ratios of AR-V7 to AR-FL mRNA in LNCaP95 cells cultured in androgen-deprived or -replenished condition as well as in hormone-sensitive and castration-resistant LuCaP 35 and 96 PDXs. "Figure 4_Western blots.pptx" is the Western Blotting raw data of the ratios of AR-V7 to AR-FL protein in these cells and PDXs. "Figure 4_quantitation.xlsx" is the quantitation data of the " Figure 4_Western blots.pptx".