Dataset of aerosol samples collected at NOTOGRO, Japan (the database for the report "Sources of aeolian magnetite at a remote site in Japan: Dominantly Asian desert dust or anthropogenic emissions?")
Material: Coarse aerosol samples (Dp > 2.5 µm) were collected at the NOTO Ground-based Research Observatory (NOTOGRO, 37.45°N, 137.36°E), located in a remote area of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, from August 2014 to March 2016. Sampling was performed weekly using a quartz fiber filter (QR-100, ADVANTEC, Tokyo, Japan), a high-volume air sampler (AH-600F, SIBATA, Tokyo, Japan), and a PM2.5 classifier (SIBATA, Tokyo, Japan) at a flow rate of 700 L/min on the roof of the third floor. Magnetic analytical data: One of five strips of a quartz filter was cut out, and the magnetization measured using a pulse magnetizer (PM9, Magnetic Measurements, Lancashire, UK) and a SQUID magnetometer (750, 2G Enterprises, California, USA). Chemical analytical data: Sequential dissolution of aerosol samples was performed to identify aerosol sources. Some of five strips of a quartz filter were treated with 5% acetic acid (12 h) and the extraction was then defined as the HOAc-soluble fraction. On the other hand, the residue which was defined as the HOAc-insoluble fraction, was completely dissolved in a mixture of HNO3-HF-HCL. After column separation, the major and trace elements for each fraction and Pb isotopes were analyzed using ICP-MS (7500cx, Agilent Technologies, California, USA) and a double-focusing multicollector ICP-MS (NEPTUNE, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA), respectively. Pb isotopes of blank filters were analyzed only for the HOAc-insoluble fraction. *Details: Please refer to our report (
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Cooperative research program of Institute of National and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University
No. 18007 and No. 19015
Joint Research Grant for the Environmental Isotope Study of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature