Citizen Science with Undergraduate Wildlife Students
Published: 28 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7jkmnbb9gc.1
Janel OrtizDescription
Data collected in 2016 study of undergraduate students participating in a citizen science research experience in a Wildlife Management Techniques course.
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Students designed their own bird monitoring study, conducted bird surveys, entered data into the South Texas Wintering Birds site, analyzed their data, and communicated their findings in a written report. Full details regarding the implementation of this CURE and related methods can be found in Ortiz et al. [2020]. The enrolled students were provided a consent form and completed both the written pre-survey and post-survey surrounding the implementation of the study. The pre-survey assessed their awareness of citizen science through the yes-or-no and open-response questions.
California State Polytechnic University Pomona, Texas A&M University Kingsville
Undergraduate Education, Undergraduate Teaching