Unit Segment Length for olivine EBSD single grain analysis

Published: 4 July 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7kb9xhd4cz.2


Unit Segment Length (USL) for olivine single grain analysis by EBSD technique. The script will reconstruct inner grain boundary (subdomain boundary) and outer boundary (grain boundary) and show subdomains with different orientation. It will measure the total length of the inner boundary and USL (total length of subdomain boundary over size of measured grain), distribution of misorientation angle, and the relationship of tilted VS twisted wall. We provide an olivine EBSD data from NWA 2221 which is an ultramafic meteorite.


Steps to reproduce

Matlab needs to intall MTEX before execute the file. Once MTEX is installed, run file "USL.m" with Matlab. Users need to change "path" and "fileName" to their local folder where they store the EBSD crc file. Notes are provided in the script as well.


Texas Tech University, Western University


Electron Backscatter Diffraction
