ComPara: A Corpus Linguistics Dataset of Computation in Architecture

Published: 16 September 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7ktscvmxvg.2
Anca-Simona Horvath


A corpus linguistics which includes: (1) the volume titles, titles of articles and introduction keywords for the journal Architectural Design (AD) to retrieve keynotes in theoretical discourse, and (2) titles and abstracts of winning and honourable mentions of the eVolo Skyscraper competition to retrieve words in conceptual project titles and their descriptions. This dataset can serve as a basis to analyze the discourse surrounding computational architecture or architecture which focuses on technology developments. The data is organized year by year, therefore, the discourse can be analyzed over time.


Steps to reproduce

This corpus was retrieved using the web scraping tool Octoparse (


Architecture, Architectural Design, Architectural History, Architectural Theory, Architectural Technology
