Influence of Project-Based Learning on Production Engineer Competencies

Published: 9 November 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7kvwjztj8x.2


The dataset represents the influence of Project-Based Learning on Production Engineer competencies in the view of specialists on the subject. This dataset displays data collected through Google Forms online survey, which was then submitted by email to specialists in the application of Project-Based Learning to identify its influence on the competencies of the production engineer. The specialists were found in the ResearchGate tool with the word "Project-Based Learning" and "Engineering Education" in the search field. The data set consists of 87 responses indicating the profile of the specialist (education level, current role, years of experience, and country) and the identification of the influence of 29 competencies of the production engineer.



Universidade Federal Fluminense


Higher Education, Professional Development, Production Engineering, Project-Based Learning
