Assessing success and failure factors in increasing drought resilience for smallholders in SSA through the lens of transformation
Through our research question "what are the main challenges and incentives for increasing resilience to drought in rural communities?”, we seek to understand eventual transformations through already conducted projects and other studies (primary research outcomes) the underlying factors to success or failure related to resilience to drought through water management in smallholder farming in Sub-Saharan Africa. The goal is to synthesize and critically analyze outcomes from previous studies to understand key issues connected to challenges and incentives related to agricultural water management practices and technologies in rural communities affected by droughts. I. Criteria for inclusion or exclusion: Articles included in the review shall be in line with the goal and focus of the review, namely: (1) Written in English and published between 2007- 2019 (3) Focusing on water management in smallholder farming (4) Assessing performance, success, failure, barriers, challenges and lessons learnt in relation to increasing resilience to drought by applying agricultural water management technologies and practices in rural areas, with focus on both the practical, personal and political spheres. (5) Discussed actual reasons for success or failure with focus on one or several of the three spheres II. Data collection procedure a. Running the main code to perform advanced searches in electronic databases • Key words: success*, fail*, agriculture* water, management, semi, dry, arid, land, drought, farm, livelihood, resilience and adaptation. • Conduct an online search in Web of science, Scopus, Agraria and Google Scholar • Systematically select journal articles, technical papers, working documents and published thesis related to agricultural water management technologies and practices focusing on successful and failure factors in Sub-Saharan Africa b. Searching codes to be used in the Web of Science: TS= (( Agricultural water* management AND ("water captur* conservation$") AND ("smallhold* farm*") OR ("rural irrigation") OR (limiting factor$) OR ("dry land$") OR semi-arid OR ("rural communit*") OR ("rain deficit*") OR reservoir$ OR "rain water harvest*" OR storage* OR ("drought* resilience") OR pond$ OR rainwater AND harvesting)) AND SU=(Water Resources AND Agriculture OR Rural Development OR Irrigation) AND TS= (success$ OR limitation$ AND factor$ OR water conservation) AND LA=(English) AND DT=(Article OR BOOK CHAPTER OR Book Review OR Book OR Discussion OR Letter OR Note OR Reprint) AND PY=(2007-2019) III. Relevance of the paper The paper is relevant if it meets the following requirements: • The study should be about agricultural water management, water capture, storage and use as supplemental irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa • The study highlights the enabling policies, institutional arrangements and other capitals leading to success/failure in rural settings. • The study should NOT be about high scale irrigation.
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