Benchmark instances for the multi-vehicle prize collecting arc routing for connectivity problem
Published: 29 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7mdfcs8f75.1
, , Description
This database consists of over 1,500 network instances that can be used to test exact methods, as well as heuristics and metaheuristics approaches to solve the Multi-vehicle Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem (KPC-ARCP). The instances can be easily adapted to other road repair and restoration problems in the context of natural disasters, including the Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem (ARCP), Multi-vehicle Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem (K-ARCP), and Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem (PC-ARCP). The instances were created in the context of two types of disasters: earthquakes and hurricanes, and they vary in terms of network size, intensity, and epicentre’s location.
Dalhousie University
Distance Network, Network Routing, Natural Disaster