Street Connectivity Simulation

Published: 10 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7mgxgb86rs.1
Milan Zlatkovic,


The Excel files contain traffic simulation results from three community-scale networks (simulation performed in PTV VISUM), and three neighborhood-scale networks (simulation performed in PTV VISSIM). The purpose of the data sets is to assess the traffic benefits of enhanced street connectivity. The community-scale models compare Base (do nothing) with Enhanced Connectivity and Street Widening, while neighborhood-scale models compare Base vs. Enhanced Connectivity. The pdf file contains statistical analysis summary and detailed results performed in SPSS on the outputs obtained through simulations.


Steps to reproduce

The Excel files contain all the raw data that can be manipulated in different ways. If you would like to obtain the original simulation models used in the research, please contact Milan Zlatkovic,


Transportation Engineering, Statistical Analysis
