Dataset of pedochronological data based on the results of studying the soils of the Plain Crimea

Published: 4 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7ms9z9dsbd.1
Fedor Lisetskii


The results of the study of 130 soils of different ages (Calcic Chernozems) in the steppe zone on automorphic surfaces dated according to historical data (the first four centuries) and using archaeological methods (for the cultures of the Early Iron Age, Late Bronze and Eneolithic), made it possible to develop the chronofunction of the change in the thickness of the humus horizon in time. Representative soils of different ages are characterized by an ensemble of physicochemical properties, which creates an information basis for the selection of diagnostic indicators that form the memory of soils for four millennia.


Steps to reproduce

The chronofunction of the change in the thickness of the humus horizon over time makes it possible to use the pedochronological method of dating to solve problems of genetic and archaeological soil science, paleogeography, archeology, and restoration ecology. Soils, their physicochemical, biological properties, especially those that form the memory of soils, can form the natural-historical basis for specialized databases of objects of historical and cultural heritage, in particular, mounds


Belgorodskij gosudarstvennyj nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet


Geochemistry, Soil, Geochronology, Paleogeography
