Dataset: Composition of Ichthyocarbonate and Associated Organic Coatings

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7mt9cf89ws.1
Amanda Oehlert,


The datasets available here include measurements of dissolution rate on natural and bleach-treated ichthyocarbonate produced by the Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) and the Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) reported in the first tab. In addition, a second tab reports the C/N ratios and stable carbon isotope values of organic matter associated with ichthyocarbonate produced by the Gulf toadfish and Olive flounder. Stable carbon isotope values of organic matter associated with ichthyocarbonate produced by the Gulf toadfish were previously reported in Oehlert et al., (2024), but reported again here to enable statistical comparison between the composition of ichthyocarbonate produced by different species. Finally, volumetric analyses of carbonate and organic matter associated with ichthyocarbonate assessed via microCT analyses are presented in the third tab of this dataset. References: Oehlert, A.M., Garza, J., Nixon, S., Frank, L., Folkerts, E.J., Heuer, R.M., Benetti, D.D., del Campo, J., Gomez, F., Grosell, M. (2024). Implications of dietary carbon incorporation in fish carbonates for the global carbon cycle. Science of the Total Environment, 916, 169895.



Geochemistry, Computed Tomography, Petrography


U.S. National Science Foundation


U.S. National Science Foundation

