Data, code, and output files associated with: Polarization-sensitive photoreceptors inform host-seeking in stable flies
This dataset is a supplement to the article "Polarization-sensitive photoreceptors inform host-seeking in stable flies". The article included a combination of anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral investigations of vision in stable flies. The methods describing the generation of this data is fully described in the associated article. Article Abstract: "Insects use their polarization-sensitive photoreceptors in a variety of ecological contexts including host-foraging. Here, we investigated the effect of polarized light on host foraging by the blood-feeding stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, a pest of livestock. Electroretinogram recordings with chromatic adaptation demonstrated that the spectral sensitivity of stable flies resembles that of other calyptrate flies. Histological studies of the flies’ compound eye revealed differences in microvillar arrangement of pale and yellow ommatidial types, with the pale R7 and R8 photoreceptors having the greatest polarization sensitivity. In behavioural experiments, stable flies preferred to alight on horizontally polarized stimuli with a high degree of linear polarization. This preferential response disappeared when either ultraviolet (UV) or human-visible wavelengths were omitted from light stimuli. Removing specific wavelength bands further revealed that the combination of UV (330–400 nm) and blue (400–525 nm) wavelength bands was sufficient to enable polarized light discrimination by flies. These findings enhance our understanding of polarization vision and foraging behavior among hematophagous insects and should inform future trap designs." This dataset contains: ---"anatomy"--- Original and modified electron microscopy images of transverse sections of pale and yellow ommatidia taken at multiple points along their length. Along with a 3D slice model used to estimate off axis cutting distortions. ---"behavioral bioassays"--- Data files, R scripts, and output graphs for the behavioral bioassay experiments (Exp 1-11, see table S1) ---"electrophysiology"--- Raw recordings, R scripts, intermediate files, and output files relating to the electroretinogram recordings of female stable fly compound eyes under chromatic adaptation. ---"polarimetry"--- Images and output files associated with photo polarimetry of filter stack stimuli (see Table S1) ---"spectroscopy"--- Emission, transmission, and reflectance measurements, along with the R code used to generate Fig. S1