Characteristic parameters of the kurgan (mound) as an object of archaeological heritage
The results of a field survey of a group of kurgans (mounds) typical for the forest-steppe zone on arable land as part of a land plot that belongs to the category of land - "lands of specially protected territories and objects" made it possible to determine the main parameters and the safety of archaeological heritage sites. The methods that were used included remote sensing, cadastral registration data from the unified state real estate cadastre, archaeological survey results, obtaining a 3-D object model using a drone, tacheometric survey, pedochronological dating method, methods of archaeological soil science.
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The data obtained on the rapid loss of archaeological heritage objects in intensively used agrolandscapes show the existence of a conflict between land use and the tasks of protecting the lands of specially protected areas and objects, which can help in adjusting the state policy to change land use practices.