Brazilian food images

Published: 2 May 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7n36jtcpv3.2
Marcos Alberto de Carvalho


This repository contains labeled images of 20 different classes of Brazilian foods. For each food class, a subset of images has been created. Each subset includes an image of a meal, typically containing multiple foods, and a corresponding segmentation mask for the specific food in the subset. These labeled images can be used for various computer vision tasks, such as object detection, segmentation, and classification. The dataset is particularly useful for research in the field of food recognition and analysis, as well as for developing applications that require knowledge of Brazilian cuisine.


Steps to reproduce

Each "training_set" folder contains a class of labeled food: food0000 is the file with the image of a meal and food0000_ is the file with the segmentation mask for a specific food. food0000 is the file with the image of a meal and food0000_ is the file with the segmentation mask for a specific food.


Universidade Federal de Itajuba


Image Segmentation, Machine Learning, Food Application of Computer Vision, Image Processing Method
