Supplementary data for: Efficient Carbon Recycling at the Central-Northern Lesser Antilles Arc: Implications to deep carbon recycling in global subduction zones

Published: 3 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/7n6n4vh2yg.1
Kan Li,


This database provides the raw data used for calculation of (i) carbon input flux carried by sediments and altered oceanic crust along Central-Northern Lesser Antilles trench; (ii) carbon output flux through the dominant volcanoes at Central-Northern Lesser Antilles arc. Carbon input flux is calculated based on the measured carbon concentration of sediments and altered oceanic crust samples recovered directly from Deep Sea Drilling Programs Site 543. Carbon output flux is calculated based on the previous volcanic gas data. Through the comparison between carbon input and output flux at Central-Northern Lesser Antilles arc, carbon recycling efficiency of arc of Central-Northern Lesser Antilles is obtained as ~100%. This indicate that subducted slab carbon is efficiently recycled at the sub-arc depth of Central-Northern Lesser Antilles subduction zone with minor carbon loss within the forearc region. Furthermore, our study highlights that slab carbon is recycled back to the surface with a different degree at different subduction zones, and a highly variable carbon recycling efficiency of arc volcanoe is observed on a global scale. More works are needed to constrain the carbon recycling efficiency of arc at individual subduction zones.



University of Alberta - Augustana Campus


