[Dataset] Postglacial Relative Sea Level Change in the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Colombia: Numerical Modeling and Sea Level Indicators

Published: 30 June 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/7nhpbhvfnz.2


We compare simulations of the postglacial relative sea-level (RSL) change and published sea-level indicators along Colombia's Caribbean and Pacific coasts in Northwestern South America. We used SELEN4 to model RSL change from GIA processes from -26 ka to the present with a resolution of 500 yrs. We include a compilation of sea-level indicators available from the literature.


Steps to reproduce

1. SELEN4 MODELING (Spada & Melini, 2019): https://github.com/geodynamics/selen/tree/v4.0-beta.3 https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/12/5055/2019/ We used modified versions of the Green functions (surface and rotational) and the polar motion transfer function to account for our VM5 models. Related files are: ebu.dat ebg.dat gamma-REV.dat PMTF-REV.dat Our RSL curves were extracted at sites with coordinates included in the MS Excel file 'RSL_NorthernAndes.xlsx' Related file: sealevel-CP20.dat 2. RADIOCARBON CALIBRATION (Lougheed & Obrochta, 2016): https://github.com/bryanlougheed/MatCal https://openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com/article/10.5334/jors.130/ http://calib.org/marine/index.html?npoints=10&clat=5.044923570406801&clon=-78.02016285349517 We used the Matlab script 'PaniEtAl_RadiocarbonCal.m' and MS Excel files (e.g., 'MartinezEtAl_2010_Table2.xlsx') to calibrate radiocarbon dates. The naming of resulting calibration figures -PNG files- is: JB2000 (Jaramillo & Bayona, 2000) M2010 (Martínez et al., 2010) P1982 (Page, 1982) PJ1981 (Page & James, 1981) U2013 (Urrego et al., 2013) V2014 (Vélez et al., 2014) 3. REFERENCES Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., 2000. Mangrove distribution during the Holocene in Tribuga Gulf, Colombia. Biotropica 32, 14–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00443.x Lougheed, B.C., Obrochta, S.P., 2016. MatCal: Open Source Bayesian 14C Age Calibration in Matlab. J Open Res Softw 4, 42. https://doi.org/10.5334/jors.130 Martínez, J.I., Yokoyama, Y., Gomez, A., Delgado, A., Matsuzaki, H., Rendon, E., 2010. Late Holocene marine terraces of the Cartagena region, southern Caribbean: The product of neotectonism or a former high stand in sea-level? J South Am Earth Sci 29, 214–224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2009.08.010 Page, W.D., 1982. Tectonic Deformation of the Caribbean Coast Northwestern Colombia. San Francisco, CA, USA. Page, W.D., James, M.E., 1981. Tectonic subsidence and evidence for the recurrence of large magnitude earthquakes near Bahía Solano, Colombia, in: Memorias III Congreso Colombiano de Geología1. pp. 14–20. Spada, G., Melini, D., 2019. SELEN4 (SELEN version 4.0): a Fortran program for solving the gravitationally and topographically self-consistent Sea Level Equation in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modeling. Geosci Model Dev 12, 5055–5075. https://doi.org/m10.5194/gmd-12-5055-2019 Urrego, L.E., Correa-Metrio, A., González, C., Castaño, A.R., Yokoyama, Y., 2013. Contrasting responses of two Caribbean mangroves to sea-level rise in the Guajira Peninsula (Colombian Caribbean). Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 370, 92–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.11.023 Vélez, M.I., Escobar, J., Brenner, M., Rangel, O., Betancourt, A., Jaramillo, A.J., Curtis, J.H., Moreno, J.L., 2014. Middle to late Holocene relative sea level rise, climate variability and environmental change along the Colombian Caribbean coast. Holocene 24, 898–907. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683614534740


Universidad EAFIT, Florida State University, Universiteit Utrecht, University of Colorado Boulder


Earth Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Geodynamics, South America, Sea Level Change, Andes, Colombia, Holocene


Florida State University

Universidad EAFIT

