This dataset includes MATLAB code and raw data. Raw data (as .xlsx files) contains behavioral tracking obtained ZebraLab tracking software for each timepoint and each condition (controls, low- and high-impact injury). Controls were measured simultaneously with the respective injury group (low-impact injury condition within the folder 'curve01' and high-impact injury condition within the folder 'curve02').
Steps to reproduce
(1) readout.m extracts oscilloscope readout saved as excel file from experimental apparatus and plots motion trajectories. (2.1.) DistTrav_extract_AcousticResp.m extracts data used to analyze escape responses from excel file and saves individual recordings as array. (2.2.) DistTrav_extract_SpontActivity.m extracts data used to analyze spontaneous activity from excel file and saves individual recordings as array. (3) array_singleRep.m combines arrays from all six individual timepoints (2) as array for one biological replicate. (4) FormatAllReps.m combines arrays from all three biological replicate (3) for both conditions (low- and high-impact injury) as array. (5) AnalysisAllReplicates.m: Final analysis and plots. - calculates mean escape responses for all larvae of each replicate (for SD) and overall mean (mean) - single exponential fitting during the habituation phase of the behavioral assay of the escape responses for each individual larvae - calculates Baseline responsiveness and Acoustic Sensitivity for each single larvae - calculates spontaneous activity (defined as movements with speed <20mm/s) (6) Statistics.R: Statistical analyses of the data extracted from the behavioral tracking performed using RStudio